Araoz & Rueda advises on the acquisition of Avanza

Advice to the private equity fund Baring Private Equity Partners on the acquisition of a stake in Avanza Externalización de Servicios, S.A. (Avanza), computing and electronic supplies company. Value of the transaction: confidential. Leading Araoz & Rueda team: Francisco Aldavero Advice to target: CMS Albiñana Suárez de Lezo Advice to Fond-ICOpyme (target): Uría Menéndez

Araoz & Rueda advises on the sale of Infocitec

Advice to the shareholders of Instituto de Formación Científica y Tecnológica, S.A. (Infocitec), engineering, nuclear security and computing company, on the sale of its stake to the American company Stericycle Operations Inc. (listed in the Chicago Stock Exchange). Value of the transaction: confidential. Leading Araoz & Rueda team: Pedro Rueda Advice to purchaser: Ramón y […]


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